Talk:Pico Dragons

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  1. We'll want a more generic image for the thumbnail. The character reference could be useful under "Development" or "Appearance" sections.
  2. Picos are all genderless (use they/them when referring to them, even individually)
  3. I'd like to rename this page to just "Pico", with "Pico Dragons" as a redirect.

Appearance A brief description of how the Picos look.

  • Small chubby dragons.
  • 1 inch in diameter
  • Notably have no arms/hands
  • They come in a variety of colors, including body, belly, and tail spikes. These colors also seem to match their spark beams.
  • Worth referencing the Dragon Drop Character Reference sheet, though don't go too far into detail. This should be more about their in-world/in-game appearance rather than being development/art style notes. So for example, mentioning the fade on their bellies is fine, but I'd avoid the fine details like "4 colors on the belly" or "16 colors total."

Lore A brief description about Pico lore. This isn't quite fleshed out yet in general, so we might want to scrap this section altogether for now.

  • Picos love playing Dragon Drop, and eating.
  • They're fully grown (not baby dragons)
  • They're capable of eating almost anything, and anything they eat is converted to energy.

Abilities In-game abilities. For now this will probably just be Spark Beams (the main attack).

Pico List A list of every Pico in the game, along with a little image of their idle pose (or alternatively, their icon), information on how to unlock (use Achievement description text unless it's not clear on its own), and which achievement board it can be found on (link to subsection in Achievements page)

  • Some of these Picos may have their own pages, so we can hyperlink their names as well. We'll want them linked as "Name (Pico)" rather than just the name. So for example, clicking Melon should redirect to a page called "Melon (Pico)" -- Not every Pico needs a page. It's okay for most of these Picos to be unlinked or red links.
  • Some information on individual Picos can be found on trading cards posted on Sunken's Twitter last year.

Development Might be a fun section to have. Reach out to Sunken or Green for some fun info here.

Trivia Again, might be a fun little section. Ask Sunken and Green again.

--SushiGummy (talk) 09:41, 24 August 2022 (UTC)