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Information on Seasons

Seasons in dragon drop are roughly the same as real-life seasons, each lasts 3 months of the year.
Each Season has a different Achievement Board correlating with it ( and subsequently season exclusive picos and hats ) The season can currently be changed in Options, however this is set back to the current season upon leaving the game.


Summer lasts from June 1st - August 31st (Relative to the player's timezone)
The summer board currently has 10 achievements on it (see Summer)
The rewards for said achievements are: 3 Pico Dragons, 1 Music Track and 6 Hats


Autumn/Fall lasts from September 1st to November 30th (Relative to the player's timezone)
The Autumn board currently has 32 achievements on it (see Autumn)
The rewards for said achievements are: 10 Pico Dragons, 1 Music Track, 15 Hats, 5 Stages and 1 Load Sceen


Winter lasts from December 1st to February 28/9th (Relative to the player's timezone)
The Winter board currently has 27 achievements on it (see Winter)
The rewards for said achievements are: 11 Pico Dragons, 1 Music Track, 9 Hats and 6 Stages


Spring lasts from March 1st to May 31st (Relative to the player's timezone)
The Spring board currently has 13 achievements on it (see Spring)
The rewards for said achievements are: 5 Pico Dragons, 1 Music Track, 6 Hats and 1 Stage